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Introduction by Xander Haveron-Jones

Born in Oxford in 2000, I read English Language and Literature at the University of Oxford, and completed a Master’s degree in History of Art at the Courtauld Institute, London.


Developing a particular interest in the work of Modern British artists, my highly praised dissertation critically re-situated Henry Moore’s ‘shelter drawings’. Around this time I discovered a particular fondness for the works of Dame Ethel Walker, whose Young Man in a Red Tie is a particularly important addition to the present inventory. Specialising in fine and contemporary art at a Chelsea auction house, my academic appreciation broadened into a commercial one, and I now present a diversified stock of highly researched artworks for sale.


Following many months of independent research and writing, I have established Haveron as an expanded approach to the collecting of fine art. Spanning from the 16th century to the contemporary, Haveron integrates the academic and the decorative, offering Old Master panel paintings alongside modern sculpture. This diversified and aesthetic approach looks to revive the eclecticism of Britain’s great collections, crossing centuries and continents to promote a wide-reaching taste.


The academic rigours of art historical study can limit the rich appreciation for artworks as lived objects, whose distinctive presence is the smell of panel or canvas, the sheen of varnish, and the glint of gilding. These sensual qualities become an even greater pleasure when introduced to the intimate private space. Fascinated by these material considerations, I have found a joy in studying the provenance of artworks, whose many centuries of survival can all too easily become separated in a moment of neglect or miscataloguing. These efforts render the past accessible through the artwork as a physical, historical inheritance.

Based between Berkshire and London, Haveron will initially trade online, supplemented by intermediary sales conducted through London dealerships. This website showcases the majority of works which I have assembled privately, and after considerable research now undertake to offer collectors as valuable additions to their own homes. Bringing together paintings, sculpture, furniture, and antiques, the research presented on this website serves to showcase my efforts to refine my own taste and research, as a 24-year-old working unassisted and entirely self-funded.

Please direct any enquiries or observations to, where I would be pleased to discuss the available works, acquisitions, or any general observations.

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